Ecosystem Genomics Seminar Series featuring Dr. Duke Pauli

A Digital Plant Science: Growing Crops in-silico


Noon – 1 p.m., April 26, 2024

Friday, April 26, 2024, 12:00PM 

Shantz | Room 440

Zoom  |

Abstract/Bio: Duke Pauli’s lab focuses on elucidating the genetics of abiotic stress tolerance, and specifically heat and drought. He received his PhD in Plant Sciences from Montana State University with an emphasis on the application of genomic assisted breeding for the development of superior malting barley varieties for agricultural production. He did his postdoctoral research at Cornell University where his work centered on the use of field-based, high-throughput phenotyping technologies to investigate stress adaptive trains in cotton as well as the temporal dynamics of QTL expression. His research group at UA uses a combination of phenomic technologies, from UAVs to the world’s largest outdoor phenotyping robot (please see story in the Wall Street Journal:, to study and understand the physiological response of plants to adverse environmental conditions. 

The Ecosystem Genomics Initiative (EGI) is a nexus for coalescing University of Arizona strengths in environmental science, ecology, genome-enabled science, and ‘big data’ cyberinfrastructure to address this grand challenge.


Heather Ingram